
  1. Congratulations Anna and Colin on your Golden Wedding anniversary!
    I have just had the most wonderful trip down memory lane.
    One of my many memories must be in the garden at Greysouthern. Either camping out, building a gymkhana and listening to The Archers - Anna and Colin always had their 'battery operated' radio with them in the garden. A sure way of knowing where you could find them, if needed.
    Anna would collect us from Fairfield School, in her blue Renault (the car did have a name but I can't remember it). Usually, she would have been to the bakers and bought a lovely loaf of fresh bread. She allowed us to pick at the crust while heading back to Midtown House. Yummy. I have continued this treat with my daughter.
    I seem to remember, when we came to the top of a hill, Anna would free wheel the car down - to save petrol!
    Thank you, Anna and Colin for taking me sledging, long walks, holiday in Guernsey, pony riding, allowing us to take over the house, in bid to find the Phantom of the Raspberry Blower - our Two Ronnies detective game!!
    I have a lovely school photo of Caroline and myself - we pleaded with our parents to allow us to have our annual school photo taken together! A photgraph holds/brings back so many happy memories - thank you.
    I hope you have a wonderful day, surrounded by happy memories.
    With lots of love and a huge hug
    Anita, William and Lottie xxx

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  2. Dear Anna and Colin,
    Greetings from Australia! and congratulations on 50 years of marriage!
    I first remember Colin when he arrived at the small town of Woodend here in Victoria (was it about 1960?) I think I remember that you played your piano accordian to accompany the organist in church! I wonder if that was a first for those two instruments together? Later, when I was in England in 1971, I rang the Jacksons saying "Do you remember me?" and the immediate response was "Certainly and when are you coming to visit us?" Memories then of wonderful walks near Greysouthen, and later again on the Malvern hills (with dogs accompanying us of course!)
    It was wonderful to have Caroline come to Australia, and to share special times with her and Anna and Colin when they came to visit. (What a delightful and special lass Caroline is!)
    On my brief visit to see you in 2003 I had home-made haggis for the first time! (and enjoyed it!)
    I am so glad that our our paths have crossed from time to time over the years and I have lots of lovely memories of happy times spent with the Jacksons. Special thoughts and love and congratulations to Anna and Colin and Caroline and Donald on this special and notable occasion from Isobel xx

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  3. Congratulations and very best wishes on your Golden Wedding Anniversary,you are such a lovely couple.Our memories are ones that we will treasure. You made us feel so welcome.Our walks together on the hills with the dogs,visits to the Brewers and the time when you took us to see the daffodils.The time we went cherry picking and you sat Jessica up in the tree, such fun.We hope you have a lovely day together and send all our love and best wishes.

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  4. Forgot to add memories before submitting....

    Whenever I think of you I always have images of gooseberry/apple/carrot picking in the garden with little dogs running round and later the wonderful smells as Colin cooks up something wonderful in the kitchen while Anna and the rest of us sit enjoying sloe gin or something similar. Walks on the Malvern hills are of course very prominent, as are memories of us all picking and collecting (or eating and getting covered in, in some of our cases) cherries at a nearby fruit farm. Thinking back to time like this always bring about a smile.


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  5. Hi Colin and Anna,

    Huge congratulations on an epic milestone! All the best and hope you have a wonderful day remembering all the good times together. Hopefully you will create more great memories and look back on this day with a smile a year from now.

    Apologies for using the internet rather than sending a card- I had intended to do this too but very suddenly and unexpectedly got a job making it impossible to get to the post office in time! Imagine this is being sent with a beautiful picture.

    Lots of love

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  6. Hi Colin & Anna
    Congratulations & our very best wishes for your anniversary. We have fond memories of your hospitality,your garden , the Malvern Hills & will be thinking of you on Friday
    Love Chris & Pam

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  7. Not long after that far-off September Yvonne and me stayed with them in Cockermouth and together rediscovered Schostakovich.
    Some years before Tom invited Anna, Mary Purchase and me to his year-end dance at Dartmouth and i was invited to stay with Daisy and Ellison Sharples at their apartment in Valley Road.
    Daisy and Ellison (I never called him Ellison!) were very kind to me as a boy and young man.
    Does this qualify me as one of Anna's oldest frienda?
    Happy, happy anniversary,

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  8. I have countless memories stretching back over 40 years.Here area few:
    - Our first meal at Greysouthern with Susan,
    -Nights at the Punchbowl with Ethel, George and your accordian,
    -The Brigadier Gerard day at York races followed by fish and chips in Boroughbridge,
    -Donald counting £ 168 in coppers and loose change from my tub,used to buy our engagement ring,
    -Family weddings, at first with all of us then later with special people missing,
    =Our first public outing as a married couple as your guests at a Victoria de los Angeles concert at Rosehill Theatre,
    -The Golf Club with Tom Weightman on Christmas Eve,
    -Cricket on Wednesdays,
    -Receiving the most beautifully written letter after our son Simon's wedding which remains amongst my most treasured possesions,
    -Being privilidged to share a special conversation earlier this year when September 23rd seemed a very long way away,
    -Asking a very special lady to help get you to your golden day.

    I have a letter written to Susan on 24th July 1973 after spending the evening of the wedding of George and Irene's daughter with you in Greysouthern:
    I will not embarass you with its contents suffice to say that you met, were engaged within three weeks, married within ninety days,that you were the happiest couple I'd ever met.
    It also proposes we use you as a role model for our married life together!!

    May God bless you both.

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  9. At Greysouthen, when he was sort of 8- or 9- or 10-ish, we were out for a walk, looking at the wonderful colours of oilspills on the road, it produced that wonderful family word "dragonoogery". (Logic suggesting that a passing dragon must have had a leak from its tank.) In the field opposite there was a standing stone believed to have been put there by the Ancient Romans or even more ancient than that. Donald asked a question that I stii don't know the answer to... (" Unk, why don't we call them Ancient Romen?" Can anybody help, please?- but it shows that logic was an early starter in Donald's life, and you have to blame the parents for that!

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  10. Got here! Funny the code below is quite different from the one it was asking for 2 mins ago when I was talking to DDD!

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  11. Not long now!!

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  12. Looking forward to the memories flowing happily ...

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  13. Great idea! Look forward to sharing and or reliving some lovely memories.

    Wonderful to see greetings from around the world and apologies to those awaiting me posting images...hang in there, and they will appear!

    Congratulations to the best parents and role models in the whole wide world and thank you for teaching me by osmosis and kindness to appreciate the tiny things in life, like dew drops and catkins. Thank you for instilling in me the love of being the gatherer in the hunter gatherer team...very happy memories of cracking open hazel nuts in many a leafy autumn lane at a very young age and bilberrying on heathery fellsides (and not getting told off for doing this lying down and so getting bilberry juice spots on clothing!! Cherry picking in laden, yummy trees...Thank you for tomato ketchup on my bacon and egg sandwiches saved for the fell tops and for the chocolate that magically appeared on many a fell peak as a delicious incentive and distraction from sore knees!!! Thank you for letting us have kittens and puppies, hamsters and gerbils and pot noodles in the cattery (shed). Thank you for giving us the freedom to camp in the garden with our friends but always leaving the back door unlocked if we needed to sneak in again. I remember the smell of dewy blankets vividly. I also remember Donald and Alexander Craig being asked to leave Anita and me some Weetabis and they ate 22 between then, leaving us one each!!! I remember wonderful easter egg hunts and special Christmas tree decorating sessions which continue to this day. Thank you for simply being the best ever parents a child could wish for!!!
    Enjoy your day and the memories!!! Love always, Cxxx

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